
Alpine Campus Library Responds to Library Survey Suggestions

The Alpine Campus Library conducted a survey during the last two weeks of the Spring '06 semester and published the survey results at the beginning of the Fall '06 semester. We received great suggestions from our patrons who responded to the survey and have implemented a number of these suggestions in the library. Some of these changes include:

Suggestion: We really need a book drop right outside the door to the library! Or better, one outside.
This summer we purchased a new book drop that our terrific physical plant staff installed outside the second floor entrance to Bristol Hall. Our students are using it.
Suggestion: Wireless Internet!!!!
Thanks to the efforts of our IT personnel, there is Wireless Internet access in the library.
Suggestion: More student art on the walls.
We have discussed displaying student art in the library with our art professors and are pleased to announce our first display of student art, the Wire Shoe Project completed by the 3-D Design class. We're looking forward to displaying more student art later this semester.
Suggestion: Make Jazz CDs more accessible.
We moved the Jazz and Classical CD shelf right next to the popular CD & DVD shelves and placed signs identifying these collections.
Suggestion: More CDs and DVDs. More, More More!!! (This was a popular suggestion).
Since July 1, 2006, we have added 89 new DVDs and 64 new CDs to our collection of popular music and movies.
Comment: I like that you include student opinion on the DVDs. Thank you!
During the Fall '06 semester our "Feed the Pig" contest resulted in 69 student purchase suggestions. Library director David Willis compiled these suggestions in our most recent media order of 60 items. See previous blog entry New Media on the Way.
Suggestion: Everything is great except for many of the books. The last 3 research papers I did, I could not find current books.
This summer we ran an aging report on the collection. This report broke our collection down by Library of Congress call number range and date of publication. Our director David Willis used this report to identify the areas of the collection that should be updated. Library staff were assigned subject areas that needed more current materials and told to make selections for these areas. This collaborative collection development project resulted in the purchase of over 200 new books.

We're very pleased with the responses we received on this survey, and really appreciate our library patrons. Please feel free to add your suggestions for the library in the comment section of this or any blog on the CMC Alpine Library blog site.