
Library Liaisons And Subject Groupings

Howdy folks. I realize it's been awhile since we posted - this blog is proving more difficult to keep up with than we had originally anticipated. But we're going to redouble our efforts with the intent of making it an almost daily thing.

Months ago, the library staff decided to split up Collection Development responsibilities into 5 main divisional/subject categories. The intent was for each of the library staff to take one of these 5 main areas, thereby making the process less confusing for us, and, more importantly, less confusing for the faculty. And then...

The semester began. And we got busy. And the old backburner kicked in, and that's where this idea stayed for many months.

Well, even though we're not really any less busy now, it's about time this idea was taken off the backburner (because it's starting to smell funny). So, without further ado, here are the 5 main subject areas and the library people to whom they're assigned:

Math/Science & Vocational: David Willis (I have 2 since there are only 4 of us)

English/Humanities: Kristin Weber

Business/Computer Science: Kevin Williams

Social Science: Diane Brower

These are the people faculty should contact with subject specific questions about collection development, things you'd like to see the library buy, things you'd like to see the library do, etc. Additionally, we'll be making contact with faculty before summer to try and establish these new avenues of communication.

Thanks to everyone for your support of the library. You're our experts, and we couldn't do any of this without you. See below for contact information.

David Willis: ph 970.870.4451 email dwillis@coloradomtn.edu
Kristin Weber: ph 970.870.4449 email kweber@coloradomtn.edu
Kevin Williams: ph 970.870.4493 email kwilliams@coloradomtn.edu
Diane Brower: ph 970.870.4445 email dbrower@coloradomtn.edu

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Many thanks to Diane for her help with the social sciences. I left a suggestion with her that that library may want to acquire Philip Zimbardo's new book, "The Lucifer Effect."
