

Coming to Steamboat Springs on APRIL 14, 2007! Step It Up 2007!

You may have read articles or books by Bill McKibben such as The End of Nature, Enough: Staying Human in an Engineered Age, or his most recent, Deep Economy. Within the past year he has stepped beyond the role of author to that of activist. In an effort to draw attention to global climate change titled STEP IT UP ’07, Mr. McKibben has initiated a nationwide campaign to gather people together within their communities on April 14, this coming Saturday: "If we're going to make the kind of change we need in the short time left us, we need something that looks like the civil rights movement, and we need it now. Changing light bulbs just isn't enough…. Every group will be saying the same thing: Step it up, Congress! Enact immediate cuts in carbon emissions, and pledge an 80% reduction by 2050. No half measures, no easy compromises-the time has come to take the real actions that can stabilize our climate.”

Step it Up is a nationwide campaign comprised of over 1000 events in 50 states rallying around the need for bold and immediate action on the issue of global warming. Events are being held in every corner of the country, from Maine to Hawaii, and Seattle to Key West. The events are taking place in major cities, iconic locations and small towns across America. The events have been organized by organizations and individuals from all walks of life who agree on one thing: the need for substantial and rapid action in order to stave off the disastrous effects of global warming. For more information, please visit stepitup2007.org.

Here's a summary of what's going to be happening in Steamboat Springs:

WHAT: Yampa Valley residents concerned about the catastrophic effects of global warming will participate in various activities (skiing, boarding, walking, biking, and kayaking) to urge Congress to put America on the path towards reducing carbon emissions 80% by 2050.

WHERE and WHEN: Skiers and Boarders: meet at the bottom of the Gondola at 10:00 am
Walkers: meet at the Stockbridge Transit Center to walk the Core Trail at 10:00 am (return by SST bus if desired)
Kayakers: meet at Backdoor Sports at 3 pm
Bikers: meet at Orange Peel Bike Shop at 3:00 pm

Evening Potluck: 6 pm, location to be announced
Bring a potluck dish or beverages to share
Bring a candle to light our dinner

CONTACT: Becca Gentile or Linda Lewis
Step it Up Yampa Valley event organizers
Call: 879-8691
E-Mail: dinebycandlelight@gmail.com

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